New solar system: green electricity for daycare centres and after-school care

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The Day Care Centre of the Francke Foundations was the first of a total of 40 buildings in Halle to receive a solar installation from the municipal utilities.

Kita Voßstraße aus der Vogelperspektive mit solarpanels auf dem Dach
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EVH, a subsidiary of Stadtwerke Halle GmbH, is promoting sustainable energy generation with its »Solar on Halle's roofs« programme. Photovoltaic panels are to be installed on a total of 40 roofs in the city by the end of 2026. The programme's first system has now been installed on the roof of Voßstraße 12 in the Francke Foundations, which houses the Montessori Children's House, the Amos Comenius Daycare Centre and the August Hermann Francke After-School Centre.

As a long-standing member of the Energy Initiative, we would like to actively promote a climate-neutral city of Halle. Properties with large roof areas, such as our schools and day-care centres, have particular potential in this respect, but also present major challenges in terms of statics and responsibility for the preservation of historical monuments. Equipping the building at Voßstraße 12 is part of EVH's solar masterplan, which is part of the overall strategy for the 2021 energy transition, which aims to supply the entire city with renewable energy. We are delighted about this strong partnership.