
All the information regarding your visit with us

Digital Wayfinding System

Find your destination in the Francke Foundations easily on your mobile phone or on your screen. Details

Opening Hours and Prices

Visitors of the Beibliothek in front of the open gate of the Kulissenmagazin.

No matter whether it is museum, youth centre, concert or kindergarten, here we have put together all opening hours and prices for you. Details


Motive of the monument August Hermann Franckes

The fastest way to the right contact person: Find the right employee for your needs in the contact overview!
contact list

Easy language

Ein historischer Stich von Gottfried August Gründler zeigt die Gesamtansicht der Franckeschen Stiftungen. Zwei Engel fliegen darüber und tragen das Spruchband »Prospect des Waysen-Hauses zu Glaucha vor Halle«.

Who was August Hermann Francke? What do the Francke Foundations do? Details

Our services


View of the Freylinghausen Hall

We have the right rooms for your meetings, conferences or workshops. Please feel free to contact our conference office with your event requirements. Your room enquiry