Family Centre for Education and Health Issues

Young mothers play with their babies in the family playgroup

Since May 2010 we have been working in the Family Floor in the House of Generations and offer a space for counselling, encounters and care. Our main focuses are: Family sponsorships, language and learning promotion as well as health promotion.

Our team

Your contact persons are trained pedagogues, social workers and health promotion specialists with many years of professional experience. The team includes the school social workers of the primary school August Hermann Francke, the employees of the youth club Treff im Quartier, the coordinators of the sports club SV Francke 08 and the child protection specialist of the Francke Foundations.

Our team is complemented by volunteers who are regularly trained and accompanied in their work by us. They support us in these areas: Family sponsorships, visiting service, newborn greetings, clothing store, language and learning promotion as well as the offers of the sports club.

Our partners

The Family Competence Centre for Education and Health is a recognised institution for family work/family education in the city of Halle (Saale) and represents the Francke Foundations in the Local Child Protection Network Halle. The institution supports the federal initiative "Frühe Hilfen" with preventive offers for families. The Family Competence Centre is supported by members of the Circle of Friends of the Francke Foundations.

For young people

With the Treff im Quartier (TiQ) we have created a space for the special needs of young people. Have a look!



Katharina Krahn

Social worker


Clothes parlour

Exchange platform

Zwei Mädchen probieren Hüte und Schals als Erweiterung ihres Modestils an.

Children grow up and outgrow their clothes. You don't have to throw them away. We take care of the distribution of clothes, toys and books. Please come on Mondays between 10 and 12 o'clock or by appointment to the family floor. Unfortunately, the capacity of our clothing store is currently exhausted. We are therefore not accepting any new clothes, but would be very happy if you find what you are looking for and can use something.


  • Cost: Free
  • Meeting point: House 19f - Familiy floor

Contact person

Sandra Wetekamp

Coordinator Family and Education

Foto: Sandra Wetekamp

Family counsellors

Help in everyday life

Aufmerksam begleitet die Mutter das Spiel ihres Kindes.

Our family counsellors are trained specialists and support families and single parents with children aged 0-3 years. The family counsellors accompany your family by individual arrangement, for example when visiting the authorities or help you to find suitable contact points for your needs and questions.


  • Meeting point: House 19f

Your contact person

Sandra Wetekamp

Coordinator Family and Education

Foto: Sandra Wetekamp

Family mentors

Help in everyday life

Eine Familienpatin betreut das Kleinkind, während die Mutter sich um den Säugling kümmert.

Family sponsorships for a good start for young families and single parents with children in everyday life from 0-3 years:

Our sponsors support you in everyday life!

Within the framework of a family sponsorship, these accompany your family for up to one year in individual agreement.
This gives you time to romp with your sibling, plan a doctor's visit or take care of official business in peace.


  • Cost: Free
  • Meeting point: House 19f - Familiy floor

Contact person

Sandra Wetekamp

Coordinator Family and Education

Foto: Sandra Wetekamp

Groups & Courses 2024

for pregnant women + parents + children

Please see the overview and description of the groups & courses under Downloads.


  • Duration: Mon.-Fri.: various times
  • Cost: free of charge
  • Meeting point: House 19f - Familiy floor

Your contact persons

Sandra Wetekamp

Coordinator Family and Education

Foto: Sandra Wetekamp
Katharina Krahn

Social worker


Help for Families


Foto: Gruppenfoto Familien mit kleinen Kindern auf der Familienetage

On requirement basis, we offer every family an expert initial consultation in their current situation. We arrange concrete offers or recommend custom-fit contacts.


  • Participants: Parents, single parents, families
  • Cost: Free
  • Meeting point: House 33 - Südflügel, Eingang e

Contact Person

Jens Deutsch

Head of Family Centre

Learning support

Individual support for pupils

In close cooperation with committed volunteers, we offer your child help with learning if the teachers have recognised the need for support and you are entitled to the educational package. We will be happy to assist you with your application. The dates for the learning support can be arranged individually.


  • Participants: Pupils of all grades
  • Cost: free of charge with education voucher
  • Meeting point: House 19f - Familiy floor


Sandra Wetekamp

Coordinator Family and Education

Foto: Sandra Wetekamp

Reading sponsorship

Advice and mediation

Volunteers inspire children to read with reading sessions in daycare centers and after-school care centers. Fascinating book worlds and exciting stories are discovered together, where children can enjoy reading, learn new things and be inspired by the imagination.

We are looking for committed people who have time once a week in the mornings and are not disturbed by lively children.


  • Cost: free of charge
  • Meeting point: House 19f - Familiy floor


Sandra Wetekamp

Coordinator Family and Education

Foto: Sandra Wetekamp

Stammtisch Sprache

open speech offer

Stammtisch Sprache

You want to learn German? Then come to the "Stammtisch Sprache".
We are looking forward to meeting you!

-help with tasks from language courses
-Practice speaking
-help with letters and applications
-Care for children
-Talks, meeting and exchange
-Language in motion: Course for children


  • Duration: Monday&Thursday 05:00-06:00 pm
  • Cost: free
  • Meeting point: House 33 - Familiy floor

Stammtisch Sprache

Sandra Wetekamp

Coordinator Family and Education

Foto: Sandra Wetekamp
Katharina Krahn

Social worker
