Research and Cooperations

The Research Centre carries out externally funded projects, participates in collaborations with renowned partners and institutions and continuously pursues its own research projects.
Project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation on the colonial contexts of currently over 100 objects from Borneo in the Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities Details
DFG-funded project on the relationship between Pietist religiosity and alchemical practices in the context of speculative alchemy at the Halle Orphanage Details
Project funded by the state of Saxony-Anhalt on early modern sources on the history of the schools of the Francke Foundations Details
Research project on the building and architectural history of the Halle Orphanage with architectural, cultural and social-historical perspectives Details
Continuous research into the important Baroque cabinet of curiosities with current approaches and international perspectives Details
Cataloging and editing of the outstanding source on the history of medicine, pharmacy and Christian mission together with the Leopoldina and international scientists Details
Research into the special relationship between the nobility and Pietism in the field of tension between numerous negotiation and transition processes Details
Research into parts of the foundations' collections from the 18th and first half of the 19th century with colonial contexts Details
Conception and implementation of projects on the less researched recent history of the Francke Foundations Details