The visit of the Prussian king
Theatrical tour through the historic orphanage

Theatrical tour through the historic orphanage
The event is held in German.
"On 12 April 1713 at 12 noon, King Frederick William I, better known as the Prussian Soldier King, came to August Hermann Francke's school town to inspect the work that had caused such a stir in his country and was famous far beyond its borders. It was the inaugural visit of the new elector and king to Halle. His father Frederick I had granted the orphanage extensive privileges and actively supported the establishment of the Francke Foundations. Would this continue under the new regime? For August Hermann Francke, this inaugural visit was extremely explosive. Thanks to a handwritten manuscript from the Francke Foundations' archive, we now know exactly which route the tour took and what Francke and the king talked about. The theatre tour with Hilmar Eichhorn (Friedrich Wilhelm I), David Kramer (August Hermann Francke) and Matthias Brenner (chronicler) invites you on an extraordinary tour of the orphanage.